colourful language: the f-wordなどの普通は言ってはいけないようなoffensiveな単語や表現をたくさん使った言い方という意味です。
例文: Joe was quite angry with you. He said he would never want to see you again, only he said it in slightly more colourful language.
Joeが実際に言ったのは、‘F**k me! He’s such a w**ker. I would never f**king want to see his f**king face again in my entire f**king life.’ だった。
赤 – Red
see red: to become very angry
例文: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine made many people see red.
be in the red: to owe more money than you have (赤字)
例文: My business had been in the red during the pandemic, but we were finally back in the black last month.
red hot: very hot
例文: Be careful! The pan was in the oven and the handle’s red hot.
red herring: 重要な事から注意を他へそらすもの
例文: It’s an interesting idea, but it’s a complete red herring. Let’s go back to the main point.
catch someone red-handed: 実際に悪いことをしている時に捕まえる(現行犯)
例文: Little James was caught red-handed opening his birthday presents early.
roll out the red carpet/red-carpet treatment: 重要な来客に丁重なお出迎え・おもてなしをする
例文: My fiancé’s mum is coming to visit me today. I’m rolling out the red carpet.
白 - White
white lie: 人を褒める為、人を傷付けないようにするためにつく軽い嘘
例文: A: I love my new hat. What do you think?
B: It looks really nice on you. (本当はそう思っていない=a white lie)
as white as a sheet: 病気などで顔がすごく青白い
例文: Are you all right? You look as white as a sheet.
a white flag: 降参
例文: We still have a chance. It’s too early to wave the white flag.
whitewash: 真実を隠してもみ消す
例文: What she’s just told us must be a whitewash. It doesn’t make any sense.
黒 - Black
black and white: 考え方などが単純で、両極端しかない
例文: She has a tendency to see the issue in black and white. It’s a lot more complicated than that.
black out: 気絶する
例文: I’m OK now, but I felt as if I was going to black out.
blackout: 停電して真っ暗
例文: The power failure in July 2019 in Manhattan resulted in a three-hour blackout.
black market: 闇市
例文: If cigarettes were banned, there would be black markets everywhere.
blackmail: 恐喝(する)、ゆすり(をする)
例文: He was blackmailed into lying in the court.
black sheep: 家族や仲間から厄介者、ろくでなしと思われている人
例文: I’d always been the black sheep of the family, but my recent success made them proud of me.
pitch black: 真っ暗
例文: Without stars in the sky it’s pitch black in the field.
グレイ - Grey
grey area: あいまいな領域(対処法・分類・責任者などが)
例文: Who’s responsible for the failure is a grey area.
緑色 - Green
green with envy: 羨ましい
例文: What? You saw Noel Gallagher in John Lewis? I’m green with envy!
have green fingers: お花などを育てること(ガーデニング)が得意
例文: I love flowers but unfortunately I don’t have green fingers to grown my own. アメリカ英語ではhave a green thumb
be/go green: 地球の環境を配慮する、エコな活動/生活をする
例文: They’ve promised to go green by using paper straws.
give the green light: プロジェクトやプランにゴーサインを出す
例文: My proposal was given the green light and I can now pick my team for the project.
青 - Blue
feel blue: 憂鬱な気持ち、悲しくて夢も希望もない(Depressed)
例文: Recent news about Ukraine makes me feel blue.
out of the blue: 思いがけなく、予告なしに
例文: My old friend dropped by out of the blue this afternoon. It was a wonderful surprise.
a bolt from the blue: 予想もしなかった突然の出来事
例文: Russian invasion of Ukraine was a total bolt from the blue.
once in a blue moon: たま〜に(very rarely)
例文: A: Do you still see your friends from college?
B: Once in a blue moon.
茶色 - Brown
browned off: うんざりしている、あきあきしている
例文: I’ve had enough. I’m completely browned off by the situation.
金色 - Gold
golden opportunity: とてもいいチャンス
例文: A: Are you going to accept their offer?
B: It’s a bit risky but I can’t turn it down. It’s a golden opportunity.
golden handshake: 高額の退職
例文: He got a golden handshake when he was made redundant.
銀色 - Silver
born with a silver spoon in one’s mouth: お金持ちの家生まれ
例文: A: Mick seems well off. He always buys all of us a drink.
B: Yeah, he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
give/hand/offer something on a silver platter: 簡単に(ほとんど努力していないのに)成功させてあげる
例文: I worked very hard to get to where I am. I wasn’t handed it on a silver platter.
黄色 - Yellow
yellow-belly: 臆病者
例文: A: Why did he turn down that great job offer?
B: He was scared to have responsibility. He’s a bit yellow-bellied.
ピンク - Pink
be tickled pink: とても嬉しい
例文: The kids were tickled pink to see ‘real' Mickey Mouse in Disneyland.
in the pink: とても健康(少し古い言い方)
例文: At the age of 95, Queen Elizabeth is still in the pink.
色- Colour
off-colour: 少し体調が悪い
例文: You look a bit off-colour. Are you feeling OK?